
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunshine Blogger Award

On Thanksgiving morning, I was up early having a cup of coffee.  My hubby and I spent the night at "My daddy's house", which is so hard for me, as I used to say "My parent's house", as my mother unexpectedly passed away on Mother's Day.  It's different and sad now that she is gone.

I was sitting at the kitchen counter, on the same stool my mother always sat in, drinking my coffee and checking my email.  I received an email from Sandra at Crea Sandra a follow DT member at Digi Haven and blog friend.  Don't you just love how we have friends, that we have never met, but have gotten to know and love through the crazy world of blogging and our shared passion for papercrafts.  Anyway, Sandra had passed along the Sunshine Blogger Award to me and 9 others.

Thank so much Sandra - you gave me a bit of sunshine, warmth and a smile that morning.
With receiving this blogger award, comes a few rules...
Rules for the Sunshine Award!
  • Include the award logo in your post.
  • Thank the blogger who gave it to you and include a link back to them.
  • Answer 10 questions about you, that you have made up yourself.
  • Nominate up to 10 Bloggers and contact them to inform them.
Here are my questions...
1.)  What is my favorite color?  - It's PURPLE - love it and it's fun to say too!
2.)  What do I like to read? - Give me a Good Mystery book to curl up with.
3.)  How many states have I traveled to in my life? - FOURTEEN
4.)  What is one of my favorite activities?  - I like Wine Tasting events/tours with my hubby.
5.)  What is one item on my bucket list? - Kiss my hubby under the Eiffel Tower
6.)  What is another passion of mine besides Papercrafts? - Baking DESSERTS - my favorite is  Creme Brulee.  I am know as the Dessert Queen to many.
7.)  What is one thing I am most proud of? - On 8.14.2011 I participated and completed a sprint Triathlon at the age of 52.  Finished in 2:37:02
8.)  What cracks me up? Maxine  Funny stuff...she tells it like it is!
9.)  What do Elvis and I share in common? - the date 08.16... My birthday 1959 and his death 1977.
10.)  What is another odd fact about me? - I was in the same room as a nude male model.  College, drawing class, late 70's and he was about that old.
WOW, that was some very fascinating stuff I just shared about myself!
Now for my nominees...envelope please:
1.)  Karon - Karons Krafty Korner - One of my followers who always leaves a comment on every post.  Sweet, thoughtful, kind, and oh so appreciated.
2.)  Caroline - Cardoline - Another faithful follower that also leaves lovely comments on my post. I am so thankful for your kind comments.

 3.)  Pam - scrappinfabpam - We were on the same DT at Made Especially for You.  You have stayed in touch, which I appreciate, as well as your friendship.
4.)  Robin - Robin's Creative Cottage - You gave my my first DT spot at FCCB.  Loved being part of that team, appreciate your friendship, as well as the inspiration shared at FCCB.
5.)  Regina - The Cutting Cafe - What can I say...being our your DT was inspiring.  I really loved working with you and using your cut files.  Admire your faith, unshakable,  and your prayers appreciated when my mother passed.
6.)  Sonia - SKdigis -, love, love your little digi images.  I'll be around if you want me back on your DT :) You are a strong, beautiful women.  Happy you are here, healthy and able to share you images with everyone to enjoy. Hugs!

7.)  Denise - Digi Haven - I know you just received the award from Sandra as well, however, I needed to include you as a nominee too!  Digi Haven feels like home to me.  Thanks for taking me back after my break.  You are funny, understanding and I know when your get me a hard time, it's all in FUN! I enjoy our blog friendship.
My nominee's have been notified.  They all have a special place in my heart.
I hope they will be able to forward this SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD on.
Enjoy your day! - Karen


  1. Congrats to you & your nominees!

  2. OH My lovely sweet friend... Thanks for the award...I sincerely appreciate it.

  3. Congrats Karen - and thank you for the award. I do really appreciate, I did receive it recently, so I hope you don't mind but I will add your name to where I have it on my side bar on my blog. Great Q and A. Thanks again and I hope you have a fabulous week.

  4. HI Karen, your so funny, thanks so much for thinking of me....big hugs...


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