$6.00 gift certificate to the online store...
Selected by random draw,
(the old fashion way, drawing a number out of a hat)
is...comment #15 - Sharon with her lovely comment:
"This is just adorable!!! Love the
birdhouse and how you framed it. Great colors, too!! :)"
Thank you Sharon for the lovely comment, hopping along and becoming a new follower.
Please email me with your contact information so that I can email out the gift certificate.
Congratulations Sharon!
Catch the Frenzy! - Karen
Thank you so very much Karen!!! I'm so excited!!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sorry. I must be blind as a bat, because I can't seem to find your email addy. I'm gonna leave your mine here if that's okay.
anmeron at alabamabroadband dot net
Thank you!!!! :)